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Well us Britney fans have been waiting for what sseems to have been a year to see the Radar video and while some say it is crap i must agree with the other side, i think it is a change to all her dancing videos and shows a more sophisticated and grown up side to her. Finally BritneySpears.com have released the video although i thought they would have released it in a more high quality version. It just reminds me of in September last year i think it was when we wanted to see the website as it was opening following the release of the Womanizer video and i couldn't wait although i have to say the old Britney Spears website layout was alot better then what it is now, because it is more of a blog and doesn't look as proffessional as other celebrity websites do. But it's only a website so meh. Anyway that is my little piece of information for today, more tomorrow, although i have to say that there will be no blogging this weekend as i am going away for the weekend so i will likely be back on either sunday evening or Monday afternoon.




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